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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Maybe everyone feels this way from time to time. That we all live in different worlds and simply do not "GET" one another. Know what I mean?

Maybe everyone feels this way from time to time. That we all live in different worlds and simply do not "GET" one another. Know what I mean?

Posted - June 14, 2021


  • 2964
    Very true.  Limited information makes it even more difficult. 
      June 14, 2021 12:58 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Also false information promulgated as true to trick us. If everything we read/hear were true think of what the world would be? I think I'm going to ask that question. Thank you for your reply BB and Happy Tuesday to thee and thine! :)
      June 15, 2021 2:17 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Like that "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" stuff.

    Of course, if that were true that would mean transsexuals are from Earth.  (because it's between the two.  get it?)

    But what you say is true.
    That's why the best diplomats learn as much about the culture of the "host" nation as possible.
      June 14, 2021 1:16 PM MDT

  • 113301
    We spend a lot of time trying to "make contact" with others. Much of the time for me at least something doesn't fit right. But we keep trying. Once in a while we luck out and make a connection with someone who is very much like us. What a revelation! I think it's that search to find connections that drives a lot of us to engage with others. It's not such a scary place when you know you're not alone.  For me it isn't the women/men thing. I think I've told you my best friends with few few exceptions have been men starting with my dad. I think for me it's finding folks whose minds are not shut tight about much. Leaving open the possibilities since we can't know what we don't know and making judgments about tomorrow today is silly. Just because we don't how to do or can't imagine a way to do it whatever it is today doesn't mean we won't be able to tomorrow. Know what I mean? Thank you for your reply! :). This post was edited by RosieG at June 15, 2021 2:04 AM MDT
      June 15, 2021 2:02 AM MDT